IFBB Pros Nick Walker and Brandon Curry tackle an Olympian shoulder workout.

Nick Walker & Brandon Curry Delt Workout

Single Arm Reverse Pec Deck
Brandon and Nick perform this exercise by sitting sideways on the machine, grabbing the handle with the working arm outstretched. Ensure that the seat is set to a height so that the arm is parallel with the floor. Next, twist your body away from the handle so that the working arm is stretched across your body at the starting position. This will increase the range of motion of this exercise and is especially effective if your pec deck has a lot of slack before the weight engages, preventing the dead spot at the start of the movement where there is no resistance. Perform 15 reps per side before completing the same on the opposite arm, climbing up in weight each set. Take the last two sets to failure.

Rear Delt Fly on Lateral Raise Machine
Standing in front of the lateral raise machine, bend over to a 90-degree angle and rest your head on the chest pad. Next, place the pads of the machine just above the elbow. Begin the movement by bringing the weight up and out so that it feels like you are trying to make a semi-circle. Perform 15 reps per side before completing the same on the opposite arm, climbing up in weight each set. Take the last two sets to failure.

Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly
Bend over to approximately a 90-degree angle so that your back is flat and parallel with the floor with a dumbbell in each hand resting with your arms outstretched. Begin by driving the weights out and back. Be sure to drive the weight out instead of up; we are using the rear delt, not the lats. Perform 15 reps per side before completing the same on the opposite arm, climbing up in weight each set. Take the last two sets to failure.

Cable Lateral Raise
Set up a cable at the lowest setting with a D-handle attachment. Stand next to the cable, so your left side is against the pole. Grab the handle with your right hand, so the cable runs in front of you and across your body. Next, lift your arm out to the side and raise the handle until your arm is outstretched and parallel with the floor. Control the weight back down and repeat for 15 reps before switching to the next arm. Increase the weight each set and take the last two sets to failure.

Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Sit up tall on a 90-degree bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Perform lateral raises, bringing the dumbbells out and up until they parallel the floor. Control the weight back down and repeat for 15 reps. Be sure to increase the weight each set. On the last set, pick a weight where you hit failure at 10 reps and have your training partner assist you with the last 5 reps by placing hands on the inside of your elbows and have them push slightly push the weight up, allowing you to achieve the final few reps of the set.

Hammer Strength Shoulder Press
Nick and Brandon finish off their workout with a hammer strength shoulder press. Nothing fancy here; set the seat height, so the handles are just above your shoulders at the bottom of the movement. Explosively, drive the weight up towards the ceiling. Once your arms are fully extended, bend the elbows, and begin to return the weight back down towards the starting position. Perform 15 reps per side before completing the same on the opposite arm, climbing up in weight each set. Take the last two sets to failure.