IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Nathan De Asha shares his thoughts on his 2021 competitive season and takes you through a world class back workout.


Nathan fuels his back workout with BLOODSHOT non stim pre-workout.  

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown:
Set up wide handle attachment on the lat pull down machine, grabbing the bar at a width just wider than shoulder width. Pull the handles down and drive your elbows down and hold for 2 seconds just above your chest. Perform 8-10 reps, increasing weight each set until you reach a peak set where you fail at 10 reps.

T-Bar Row:
Start by bending over to a 45-degree angle with knees bent and back flat and grabbing the handles. Keep chest up and shoulders pulled back. Next, drive the elbows back towards the ceiling and wall behind you while bringing the handle to your belly button and hold for a second. Lower weight back down not allowing the weight to touch the floor. Perform warm up sets of 8-10 reps, increasing weight each set until you hit failure at 8-10 reps on your peak set.

Hammer Strength Low Row:
Set up the seat height so that the handles are in line with your belly button. Pull the handles and drive your elbows back and hold for a second before controlling the weight back down. Perform 10 reps, increasing weight each set until you reach failure at 10 reps on the last set.

Diverging Lat Pulldown:
Begin by pulling the handles down towards the floor, leading with the elbows. Once at the bottom, slowly return the weight back up and get a good stretch in the lats at the top. Perform feeder sets of 10 reps, increasing weight each set until you reach failure at 10 reps.

Machine Row:
Begin by pulling the handles in towards your chest. Make sure to keep your chest up tall and pull your elbows back and hold for 2 seconds. Control the weight back down. Make sure you are getting a good stretch in the lats. Perform sets of 10 reps, increasing weight each set and then take the last set to failure.

Cable Pullover:
Set up a rope or handle on a high cable machine and stand far enough away so that you’re able to get a full stretch at the top. Bend over to a 45-degree angle with chest up and shoulders pulled back. Pull the rope down towards your waist and drive your elbows as far back behind you as possible. Remember to lead with the elbows and not with the hands to engage lats. Control the weight back down and get a good stretch in your lats at the top.